IFTA2020: The Supercycle Top and Deflation

The past few deca­des have seen a gra­du­al top­ping out pro­cess in finan­cial mar­kets. That pro­cess is set to acce­le­ra­te as defla­ti­on asserts a vice-like grip.

Mur­ray Gunn is Head of Glo­bal Rese­arch at Elliott Wave Inter­na­tio­nal. He work­ed as a fund mana­ger in glo­bal bonds, cur­ren­ci­es and stocks, inclu­ding long posts at Stan­dard Life Invest­ments and the Abu Dha­bi Invest­ment Aut­ho­ri­ty. He then joi­n­ed HSBC Bank as Head of Tech­ni­cal Analysis.

Mur­ray is the aut­hor of Tra­ding Regime Ana­ly­sis (Wiley, 2009) and a con­tri­bu­tor to Soci­o­no­mic Stu­dies of Socie­ty and Cul­tu­re (Soci­o­no­mics Insti­tu­te Press, 2017). In April 2018, Mur­ray took over the helm of The Euro­pean Short Term Update. You can also read his com­men­ta­ry in Glo­bal Mar­ket Per­spec­ti­ve, Inte­rest Rates Pro Ser­vices and Cur­ren­cy Pro Ser­vices, and on deflation.com.

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